Yes, yes, yeeeeeess.
Thank the heavens that whole time-looping, insanely (and unnecessarily) long arc of this anime is over. It's over, people! (Okay, so this episode was released weeks ago so my announcement may not be timely and all, but whatever.) Please excuse me as I bounce around my room in celebration of this epic, mind-blowing development.
Finally, this frustrating, drawn-out arc which offered no story development in the last six episodes finally comes to a close. I'm not going to say "It's about time, too!" because quite frankly, the anime studio should have wrapped up this crazy arc four episodes ago. In short, this whole arc was a waste of allotted episodes for the second season and went on way longer than it should have. I wondered how the voice actors coped with reading the same script over and over again (it must be boring as heck).Whoever said "Patience is a virtue" should really try sitting through this entire arc. I bet they'll have a mental breakdown by episode six or seven. It just goes on and on and on...
So on to episode nine, the finale of this "Endless Eight" arc. Knowing this was episode that concludes this excruciating arc, I tried to enjoy (for the last time, thank goodness), the summer fun the SOS Brigade went through. Try as I might, after watching it all those times before, it's really hard to enjoy it now. All I wanted to know was how the time-loop actually got broken and it took a lot of willpower not to fast forward the episode. I was even hoping that since this was the last episode of the arc, the anime team would have incorporated something new, like a deviation in their conversations or activities, but alas, I was a fool to even hope for that. I guess that was asking too much from an anime team that hardly changed anything in the past seven episodes. On a more positive note, Asahina was still cute when she narrated how she couldn't get back, and it was still funny how she would insert "classified information" on stuff that were supposed to be censored, top-secret, future-related stuff. But other than that, you can skip the entire episode and just head on over to the last five minutes. I guarantee you won't miss anything.
Kyon just managed to stop Haruhi from exiting the restaurant in the nick of time by declaring that the brigade come together to finish their summer homework at his place. When I found out that this was the anticlimactic solution, the only coherent thing that popped into my mind was, "That's it? That's IT???!"
Seriously, the anime left the audience waiting for like seven episodes to reveal such a simple resolution? I could only roll my eyes. And what's even more disappointing, the episode didn't even give an appreciable airtime on how the brigade spent their last day of summer doing homework, only a brief passing courtesy of Kyon's flashback(when they spent the seven earlier episodes earnestly going through all the other summer activities the rest of the viewers would rather not see ever again).
But then again, I liked the ending with Kyon and Koizumi alone at the clubhouse, musing at the remarkable amount of repetitions they went through and Kyon realizing that the deja vus were hints from himself in the past loops that offered the solution on how to break the neverending cycle. The two boys play poker with Kyon unexpectedly winning in the end. He tells himself that if this day were to ever repeart, he hopes that he would place a bet next time (since Koizumi always wins.)
I would have appreciated this ending more had it been not for the excessively unneccessary episodes. But what's important is that this arc has ended, and that's enough for me to breath a sigh of relief.