It's ironic, really. The whole first semester was HECTIC. I was literally pummeled with all my responsibilities in the school paper; tried (and failed) to balance academics and extracurricular activities; received criticisms, censorships and stringent (and often unreasonable) policies from the school administration; maneuvered through the tricky world of college politics; and experienced stress way more than a normal nursing student should. As soon as the first semester ended, I was ready to hit the hay with plans not to wake up until the second semester was halfway through. I was completely burned out.
But right in the middle of sem break (a.k.a. period of laziness and quiet relaxation), I already find myself bored. I think I got too used with being busy and stressed that my body is still adapting with my relaxed and almost stress-free semestral break lifestyle. But the funny thing is I'm too lazy to do things that require me breaking into a sweat, so I just cook, watch TV, surf the net, sleep or read (not in that particular order). But maybe if I get too bored I'd probably do something clean my room. Hahaha.
So meanwhile, to pass the time, I decided to do some internet exploring, and hence stumbled into these online quizzes.
Just for the heck of it, I decided to put the results of some of the more interesting quizzes I took .
What mental disorder do you have? Your Result: OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) You have odd obsessions that you cannot seem to control. You may even perform rituals to make you feel better. Counting and continuously obsessing over things happens frequently. | |
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) | |
Paranoia | |
Manic Depressive | |
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) | |
What mental disorder do you have? |
I actually agree with the result above. I do have a few compulsions. Hehe. At least being obsessive-compulsive is better than being manic depressive.
What's Your Best Quality? Your Result: Intelligence Your best quality is intelligence! People like you because you are smart and always make the right decision. Your intelligence also helps you handle tough situations. | |
Personality | |
Loving | |
Ambitious | |
Out-Going | |
Sense of Humor | |
What's Your Best Quality? Take More Quizzes |
What does this quiz tell us? That I hardly have a sense of humor. Sniff. I am a serious (a bit OC, slightly paranoid, slightly anxious, slightly homicidal [see quiz at bottom]) person.
Way to go! You know not to trust the MS Grammar Check and you know "no" from "know." Now, go forth and spread the good word (or at least, the proper use of apostrophes).
Are You Gooder at Grammar?
Make a Quiz
Cool. I actually got a great grade in the quiz, and English isn't even my first language!
So you have problems with enemies, maybe dont have a high enough self-esteem, or play a few violent videogames. Cutting it a little close there. Try to keep your cool, alright?
Are you capable of killing
Maybe if I snapped one of these days, I really could go on a killing spree. Haha. Joking aside, my "killing probability" isn't even 50% so my staff has no worries of me committing mass murder.